Wednesday 7 March 2012

A Room!

Hot of the press: I have just been told that I will be moving into a side room on a completely different ward which is all single rooms up on the top floor.

Having made it quite clear to the nurses at the outset that I wanted to move into a side room I had to confess today to one of them that I have actually quite liked being on the ward and don't really want to go. But for clinical reasons I have to so I don't get a choice. I worry slightly having had the activity of the ward that a side room will be a little quiet...

Bizarrely I found out today when inquiring about whether I could go for a walk outside the ward, that my neutrophil count had gone UP overnight, which can happen but not very often. The nurse told me I might not go neutropenic at all, and she had a case recently where a myeloma patient showed no symptoms (including no sickness) during the SCT and has now been in remission for 6 months. So the fact that my neutrophil counts haven't gone below 1 isn't a cause for concern regarding the effectiveness of the treatment. But I still have a few questions for the doctor about this.

Went for a walk outside which was lovely, but decided to come back up to the ward via the stairs as the queue for the lift was massive. Bad decision, I had a pulse in my head so strong I nearly passed out! But it must be a good thing to get blood pumping every now and again.

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