Saturday 10 March 2012

In and out

Rather eventful day yesterday, I was moved out of my room on the transplant ward after 1 day and shifted back down to the ward I was on before - albeit in a side room. I have been kept in the room all day as I had an attack of what is called in some parts the 'barcelona squitty quits' on Thursday night, and although this is par for the course on this chemo they need to test it (yes test it and don't ask) to make sure it is nothing contagious. And it takes ages for the results to come back. They have confirmed I do not have C.Diff but not the norovirus (I'm not being sick so I assume I haven't got that), so I am still not allowed to walk around the ward. I can leave the ward though and spread it around elsewhere!

Didn't sleep very well last night due to stomach pains, which I got some medication for, and I won't suffer for as long again before asking. But really I still have very little to complain about in terms of side effects. The main one being the inability to enjoy food in any way. Sometimes I can be hungry and actually be looking forward to something to eat right up to the moment when it is there in front of me then I could happily leave it. It is an odd experience for someone used to eating everything with gusto. I'm happier now I get to pick what I want though, and am really looking forward to fish fingers, chips and spaghetti tonight. Did I mention that?

I shall be getting an injection to boost white blood cell production today. The prediction is my blood counts will be rock bottom tomorrow and Monday (which is when I will feel worst), but within 2-3 days they should come back up again, thanks largely to this injection which the hospital have only started giving to STC patients in the last 2 months. This means you do not stay neutropenic for ages and you recover quicker meaning you can go home sooner. Shows you how quickly things can change in this field.

I have been reprimanded for not giving a shout out to the main lady in my life who, although she hasn't found the time to bring me crisps or anything, is doing the exhausting and thankless task of keeping our house together and running smoothly. So this is big Bo! to Jo. And I will see you tomorrow now that today's visit has been scuppered somewhat!

NB: the TV company have changed their ad to say SOAP rather than SOUP. The power of the blog, this must be more popular than I realised.


  1. Loving the blog little bro, glad to hear you're not feeling too terrible...long may that continue. Eat all the food they give you..if you're not dinner hungry then you're not pudding hungry :) xx

  2. I won't read these again while eating my tea. Managed an hour on the plot - not sure you're ready for any artichoke soup / soap at the moment.
