Friday 2 March 2012


Been admitted to hospital today. Yesterday was a bit of a rollercoaster as I had to ring the ward at 11am to see if there was a bed for me. If there wasn't I would have to ring the next day and on like that until I got in. This is a horrible way of doing things if you ask me but the nurses haven't got time to ring round and things change so quickly as everyone is so ill (as I was to find out).

I was told at 11am that the bed manager would ring within an hour as the nurse was not sure. I had to take the girls to the doctors and have fish and chips (this could be my last non-hospital lunch for a while) so it was half one by the time I rang to chase it up. I was then told I had a bed but the nurse needed to check what time I could come in, the bed manager was on the phone. At this point I realised that I had saved all my nerves about the transplant for this precise moment: the moment someone confirms 'yes this is going to happen now'. A little like I completely lost it about 30 minutes before I got married. But then, bizarrely, the nurse on the phone said 'oh, I've just been told there is an emergency so that bed is gone. I'm so sorry, I'm not sure what this means for you'. And that was that. I asked for someone to call me just to confirm I wouldn't be going in that afternoon. I assumed at this point I wouldn't be.

At around half 3 I called again just to get an update on whether or not I would be going in. I was then told there was a board meeting to decide on priorities, someone would ring back in half an hour. I was called back to be told yes there was a bed could I come in? And after all that I had to say no! With the kids there it was half four, time for tea then bed. So I arranged to turn up at 9am today which gave me another night at home and doesn't affect the planned treatment schedule. Had a Chinese takeaway (note fish and chips for lunch; this is not recommended nutritional preparation for a stem cell transplant).

So I'm here on the ward being pumped with fluids in preparation for the melphalan which is coming at about 12:30. The hospital currently has restrictions on visiting due to the norovirus. These are 3-5pm and 7-8pm so I don't know what that means to all the people planning evening visits, hopefully things might change if I get a side room. Fingers crossed.

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