Wednesday 14 March 2012

Hair today, gone tomorrow

I know I have said this in a previous blog but my hair is now definitely going, I woke up this morning and the back of my head just felt a little sore at the roots, I ran my fingers through my hair and between each fingers was maybe 10 hairs - a good handful shall we say. So I promptly requested a hair cut, and at 9am this morning one of the male nurses gave me a grade 4. I know I was expecting my hair to fall out, but I think I was hanging on to maybe, just maybe it won't. It still might not all fall out apparently...

On the plus side though the worthless David Cameron made a visit to the ward to see the NHS in action before he destroys it. I was going to ask him how he justified cutting off our child tax credits from April, but he was so nice I just told him about my haircut and had a picture.

This has all come after a day where I spiked a temperature of 38.1 yesterday afternoon, a temperature over 38 results in immediate antibiotics (for 3 days) and every kind of test you can imagine. Plus chest xrays to see if there is anything on the lungs. My temperature again spiked last night at 8ish up to 39.1, but this was brought under control with paracetemol and I've been fine since, temperature back to normal. I've been told the xray shows nothing untoward. My blood counts today show I have 'flatlined' with a neutrophil level of 0.02, and I am going to be having a blood transfusion because my red count is so low (this is quite normal). But, bizarrely, I feel better today than I have in ages. I don't feel as tired, I don't have the feverish temperature of yesterday. Plus my stomach is starting to sort itself out, I can eat a meal now and quite enjoy it, which is so nice.

And amazingly, a good friend offered to put a bet on for me at the Cheltenham races yesterday and I went and picked Rock on Ruby in the 3:20 hurdle, which if you've seen the sports pages this morning was a suprise winner. Fifty big ones in the bank which cheered me up no end. I even listened to it live on the wireless and got rather excited I'll be honest.

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