Wednesday 12 September 2012

Still here...

So, good news and bad news.

The bad news is I'm still here, with a fluctuating temperature which goes over 38 every evening. When this happens I am automatically in for at least another 48 hours, and I can't help but feel that they won't be quite as keen to let me go home considering how quickly I ended back in before. So I am very likely to be here for at least a week now, over the weekend I'm sure.

But to be quite honest this is probably the best place for me - I have never slept so much in my life, this is my typical day:
09:00 - get woken up for breakfast
09:15 - eat breakfast, clean teeth, apply various skin creams
10:00 - go back to bed, exhausted
11:45 - get woken up to choose lunch
12:00 - eat lunch
12:30 - clean teeth and go back to bed
15:00 - rouse, try to read, fail, watch DVD or 4onDemand
17:00 - eat tea, clean teeth
18:00-21:00 - try to stay awake in any way I can as I want to sleep at night
21:30 - go to bed

Exciting stuff.

The good news is that I have a rash! And it is now generally agreed between the consultant and ward doctors that it is GvHD related, not drug related. This, the consultant said, is 'good for you'. This is great news, my donor is in there fighting, which means it is likely she will be fighting the Myeloma which is great. The rash doesn't itch, although it is pretty unsightly, and if I was going to get any GvHD issue it would be skin problems - I am very used to rashes. So right now I have an ointment which appears to be controlling it so I am not worried, I am very happy.

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