Saturday 1 September 2012

Another check in

Had a consultant appointment on Friday, and it is all still looking good. Blood counts are still ok, red blood count had gone up a bit (a tiny bit), but the consultant said it shows I am making blood which is all they want. The most stunning piece of news though is my serum free light chain result, now I think the maximum you want your serum free light chain is around 20. As I'm sure you all know mine started out back in May last year at 3880 (I was described by one haematology nurse as 'on paper you were a wreck'). My levels are, right now, 1.6! And the consultant said, right now, he is not concerned about the Myeloma. Great news.

Also feel a lot better about the current side effects I'm suffering which include high sensitivity to temperature, shakes and cramps in my hands. This is all to do with the immuno-suppressant; I am on a high dose apparently as my consultant is not convinced that I didn't suffer with a bit of GvHD in the hospital. This is also really good news as we were told the rash I had in hospital was probably drug related, so to know I may have had a bit of GvHD is great. I can live with the shakes.

He described the next few months. I am currently on Day 42, 6 weeks post-transplant, and at around day 100 he will start to wean off the immuno-suppressant drugs to see what happens. This is the point at which they are reasonably comfortable you should not suffer with acute GvHD, then a further 3 months will pass before he starts to relax about chronic GvHD. At this point, he said, you can start to think about going back to work...I'm thinking about going back to work next week! I think though when they say these things they assume you have to go into an office, I've been lucky enough to have a workplace who let me work from home, and as I feel ok I can see no reason not to start testing the water and try a day to see how it goes and build it if it goes well. Looking forward to that.

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