Saturday 29 September 2012

Quick update

It's been a few days since I last wrote but three days ago my condition went from grumbling high-ish temperatures of 38.1s and 38.2s to 39.9! And this continued for two days, this morning I woke up feeling incredibly bad, but by this afternoon I feel loads better. This I attribute to my wonderful wife who came in at 10am to find me still in bed having ignored my breakfast (I haven't been able to eat during these two days and have been sick for the first time since all this treatment started - and I'm not on any chemo), she got me out of bed, got me sitting in a chair, and chatting and eventually eating. This has made me feel immensely better.

So the upshot is: I'm still in, but I now have my own room. My CMV levels over the last 3 weeks have gone 180,000 - 77,000 - 20,000 so we are hopeful the next one will be negative. My neutrophils are on the rise 0.17 - 0.20 - 0.30 over the last three days, I'm even creating red blood cells. Predictions are that I will be in another week meaning I'll have been here this time for as long as I was to have my transplant! and I'll have been on the ward for 10 weeks out of the last 13. Scary stuff.

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