Tuesday 4 September 2012

Serves me right

I knew I shouldn't have done it. Yesterday I discussed going back to work with my boss, today I am back in Addenbrookes on anti-biotics for a raised temperature. I'd been feeling under the weather for a few days and my temperature had been teetering just below 38, but yesterday it crept over and that means automatic admission.

Annoyingly my temperature did not go up until 21:00, and we didn't leave the house till gone 22:00, and that meant bundling the kids out of bed into the car (which they didn't mind at all) and getting to Addenbrookes at 23:30. For administration reasons I have to go through A&E, which is ok as haematology ensure I am ushered into a side room, but it does mean being in A&E for 2 hours before being moved to the ward. I got to bed finally at 03:00 and slept very soundly. I got one night in my own room and now I have been booted out into a bay, which is fine - the two people in here are so old I don't think they'll give me any problems.

My temperature today has already gone down to 36.7 and I have been told it is likely that I will be going home in a couple of days providing it stays down, I have no other symptoms to talk of. So I should be home in time for the Butterfly party on Saturday!

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