Saturday 21 July 2012

Not much to report

I thought I had better blog, but there is little to report apart from how ok I'm feeling. I'm not neutropenic, my neutrophils have gone up today to 2.4 from 1.4 two days ago, but this is apparently nothing to be concerned about. I have been warned that the next week will be the hardest: low blood counts, Melphalan making itself felt in my gut and nether regions, sore mouth, etc...but so far so good.

Not being neutropenic meant I could go out for a walk round the park today with Jo in the first rays of summer sunshine which was lovely. I have been warned that I may burn easily post-transplant so I wasn't allowed to sunbathe, but I wouldn't do that in a park anyway so that's not a problem. Had a Magnum and a Coke in the sun (really this is as exciting as it gets), had sausage and chips for my tea and now I'm sat here trying desperately to think of things to write.

Ate a pork pie really late last night and ended up having weird dreams that involved work colleagues and some precarious climbs up railway sidings. Didn't feel rested when I was brought my breakfast at 8am. The weekend staff do come a bit early with brekker for my liking.

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