Tuesday, 9 October 2012

To start, some good news

I had a visit from my consultant yesterday, it was brief as I had been asleep, but essentially he said that he is absolutely sure that Toxoplamosis has been the problem and that I am now on the right treatment (I must admit it's been since they changed all my treatment in response to finding the Toxo that I have felt progressively better). I have issues with fatigue, but that is to be expected I think, it was only last weekend that I was having 39+ temperatures and couldn't breath! But the consultant believes that by the end of the week I should be ready to go home, so Friday! This is obviously brilliant news but I feel like I should stay another couple of weeks - I am so scared of what will happen if I go back to our house this week.

Just to make sure no good bit of news ever reaches you without some thing bad happening too, I have developed oral thrush. Very common in my situation (I thought I was supposed to be on prophelactic anti-fungal drugs to stop this but there we go), very easy to treat and it does explain why my mouth has felt so weird the last few days.

Treating toxoplasmosis does take 3-6 weeks of anti-biotics but these can be taken orally and taken home which is good. The CMV still needs to be treated with IV anti-biotics, so my going home is reliant on what the CMV is doing, the doctor on today would not be drawn on the last result as we will get a new result tomorrow. Blood counts are really good which means that GCS-F injections have ceased, my neutrophils were 6.29 or something, really high. Low platelets though which has led me to bruise quite badly in a few places (elbow and hands mostly, the things that get bashed) and I am having a platelet transfusion right now.

I was weighed this morning too, 73kg with my dressing gown on. I was 80.5kg with my dressing gown off when I came in. That is almost a stone, there is a stone less of me now then there was 5 weeks ago. And even I have to admit it shows, I've got skinny legs and arms. My skinny jeans no longer seductively cling to my frame but hang loose like the sails of a disused trawler left to rot in the harbour. And I've still got massive feet and ankles from all the fluid they pumped into me a couple of weeks back, I can barely get my trainers on, I kid you not.

My musical recommendations for this week are album Barton Fink 'Gear', song Cage The Elephant 'Ain't No Rest For The Wicked'.

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