Tuesday 14 August 2012

I'm outta here

Yes it has been confirmed I will be discharged today. My temperature has remained below 38, and the 38 measured yesterday morning has come into question when the nurse this morning measured 38 in my right ear and 37.6 in the other ear, to which she said I was lying on my right when she came in so that is probably the reason it was a bit hotter in that ear.

I had a nurse say to me last night 'going home tomorrow then?', which was the first I'd heard of a definite time. Since then I've have the doctors confirm it will be this afternoon, once all my drugs are sorted. I have already packed so that there is no doubt of my intentions at least, all my bags are lined up on the bed ready to go. I cannot wait. And it looks really sunny outside.

My neutrophils continue their heady rise, they were 3.05 yesterday which is great just a little way to go to get to my Day-8 (i.e. pre-any treatment) level of around 5. The rest of my counts: platelets 148 (217 on Day-8), red blood count 8.6 (12.1 on Day-8) and white blood count 4.6 (8.8 on Day-8). So all looking good and I'll be in my own bed tonight, which is even better.

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