Wednesday 22 February 2012

Date Confirmed

Just returned from a few days at Wells-next-the-sea with family, good fun but incredibly cold. Thought we could manage at least a couple of hours on the beach diggin' 'oles but it was less than an hour before the youngest was balling unless she had something to eat and the eldest was pleading to 'go back to the house.' The 'house' being the youth hostel in Wells which I can strongly recommend for families with young kids.

I have today received a letter which confirms that my date for admission to hospital for the stem cell transplant is the 1st March. I'd had a chat with the transplant nurse yesterday where she told me this, but she explained the date can change depending on whether there is a bed available. This depends on how procedures are going for the patients in the beds and on any emergencies, which obviously take precedent. Therefore I could end up waiting a few more days. But you do get used to waiting when it comes to cancer as everyone is so ill you just have to expect things to take longer than predicted.

If all goes to plan, I will go in on the 1st March afternoon and 'check in', then on Friday morning you are hit with very high dose chemo. Then follows 3-4 weeks in hospital...time to start reading up on the details about what I'm about to go through!

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